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Hi, I'm Simone,
I'm so happy you're here! 

Thank you for stopping by my site. I hope you’ve found some helpful information that’s empowering you to believe that recovery from chronic pain is possible. Because science is certainly showing JUST THAT!


I understand that switching your belief from what you’ve been told by your medical providers over a long period of time can be challenging. I’ve been there and promise to be patient with you. But I will also persistently point out and repeat the facts of why YOU CAN HEAL and how you can unlearn your pain.


There are many mindbody coaches out there, so what do I have to offer in this context?

Well, for one, I’ve been specializing in complex pain presentations for well over the last decade in my neurology-based manual therapy practice. On top of that, I’m the mom of two teenage boys who have both been dealing with a plethora of neuroplastic symptoms for years (abdominal pain, full-body aches, headaches, dizziness, nausea, anxiety, OCD, and more). I’ve been through the traditional medical approaches with them (medication, procedures, pain clinic, etc.) and know that they are not enough to treat chronic psychophysiologic conditions properly.

Simone Holderbach, Pain Elimination Coach and founder of The Mindbody Approach

When I first learned about Pain Reprocessing Therapy, I felt like the stars had aligned and the final puzzle piece was put in place. It made so much sense to me to address pain via retraining the brain. I decided to go all in and learn everything I could about mindbody conditions and the neuroplasticity of the pain brain.


Today, I am certified in Pain Reprocessing Therapy and graduated from Dr. Schubiner’s ‘Freedom from Chronic Pain’ and ‘Beyond Pain Education’ practitioner trainings, which also incorporate the facilitation of Emotional Awareness and Expression Therapy (EAET). Additionally, I use other psychophysiological therapies, mindfulness approaches, and techniques from NLP and hypnosis in my work. Each coaching program is tailored to each individual client because there are no two pain stories alike.


My clients describe me as uplifting, supportive, full of hope and joy, nerdy, and endlessly curious. Out of all of these wonderfully flattering attributes, in my opinion, it’s the curiosity that helps me the most in my detective work of figuring out how to help you recover from chronic pain. Not everything works for everyone, but I am determined to figure out what works for YOU.  


I hope to meet you and be able to assist you one day. And if I don’t, I wish you nothing but the best on your healing journey.


And please remember to always be kind to yourself!

With much love,


Simone Holderbach


Let's recap:
What you'll gain from working with me 


Knowledge Therapy - Always step one of your healing journey

  • Learn how the pain system works, why chronic pain develops, and what keeps it alive and often worsening over time.

  • Understand the mind-body connection and how EVERYTHING matters when it comes to pain.


  • Gather evidence of how much your brain and the state of your nervous system affect your pain experience.


Skill-Building via Pain Reprocessing Therapy

  • Learn to interrupt the pain-fear cycle that has been keeping your pain alive with somatic tracking, mindfulness, graded exposure, and desensitization exercises. 

  • Increase feelings of safety, lightness, and positive sensations, and calm your nervous system.


  • Explore triggers and emotional barriers

  • Cultivate self-compassion and self-kindness, and develop healthy boundaries.


Real Life Integration

  • Doing the work: implement what you're learning into your day-to-day routines


  • Learn how to safely re-introduce movement because movement is medicine!

  • Make your life bigger by getting back to doing the things you love and have missed out on for too long. 

  • Add more joy and fun to your days!


Relapse Prevention Tools

  • Pain is part of being human. We all get it.

  • So whether it's a flare of previous symptoms or a new pain or symptom: You'll leave coaching with a solid set of tools and you'll know exactly what to do when a setback happens.

  • Get your life back!


Still not sure if mindbody coaching is right for you?

Video Call

I completely understand.

If you’re like me, you might be a little wary about scheduling a call with a person you don’t know at all.

But here is what I want you to know: I am not trying to sell you anything. My goal is to support you in the best possible way – for YOU! If that means, coaching with me isn’t what you need, I will straight up tell you just that.

So, if you’re intrigued and curious about coaching, I invite you to take the leap and schedule the call. You have nothing to lose but so much to gain. 


My professional background

I am a lifelong learner. The more I learn, the more I realize how little I know and how much more I want to learn.


Below is an overview of my completed trainings and coursework.

Freedom from Chronic Pain Practitioner Training with Dr. Howard Schubiner and Hal Greenham, May through July 2023

Beyond Pain Education Practitioner Training with Dr. Howard Schubiner and Charlie Merrill, MSPT, Boulder, CO, June 2023

Pain Reprocessing Therapy (PRT), Certified PRT Practitioner, February through March 2023

OldPain2Go Practitioner Course, October 2020

Life Coach Certification, Center for Integrative Hypnosis, New York, October 2020

Registered Hypnotherapist with the Washington State Department of Health, November 2020

Integrative Hypnosis Training, October 2020

PSYCH-K® Master Facilitation Workshop, December 2019

PSYCH-K® Advanced Workshop, November 2019

PSYCH-K® Basic Workshop, September 2019

Proprioceptive Deep Tendon Reflex® P-DTR Foundations/Intermediate/Advanced Series - May 2017 through November 2018

Advanced Movement and Repatterning, December 2016

NeuroKinetic Therapy® - Levels 1-3, December 2016

Corrective Exercise Specialist (CES) with the National Academy of Sports Medicine (NASM) - January 2016

NeuroMuscular Reprogramming, Advanced - January through March 2015

Licensed Massage Therapist, Institute for Therapeutic Massage, Toms River, NJ - 2011

Business Development Manager, Observer AB, Fellbach, Germany

Diploma in Foreign Languages (English, French, Spanish) and Business Administration, Lippstadt, Germany

Is there any question I can help answer?

Please reach out and I'll get back to you as soon as I can.

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